28 March, 2022

ms office word

1. Microsoft Word:

Microsoft Word is also called MS Word and MS Office is Microsoft's application, with the help of MS Word, you can do many things like writing an application, writing a letter to someone, writing an e-mail, Resume, Application, Invitation, etc. There are many ways to open MS Word, the first way you have to click on the start button and go to the menu, after that you search for Microsoft Office, in this folder you will find MS Word, Whenever you click on it. It is the world's most famous word processor. 

The second way is that you have to type MS word on the search bar given below and the MS word application will open in front of you, as soon as you enter it, MS word opens, and the third way is that you can open your application. Create a shortcut and by clicking on it you can open Microsoft Word.

In this you get some shortcuts like by clicking on saving you can save your file, by clicking on undo you can bring back the old file, by clicking on redo you can redo undo, in this, you can do more You can add shortcuts like New, Open, Print preview, etc. If you want to see a print preview of any file then you don't need to go anywhere else you just have to click on print preview and print preview will appear in front of you.

If you want to cut any text in this then you have to select that text and click on cut and if you want to paste that text elsewhere then you can do it easily by clicking on paste, you can do it in this You can type in any font, in this you have been given many types of fonts, not only this, you can also change the size of those fonts, you can also reduce the size and can also increase, in this the color of the text also change. You are given many types of colors here.

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