14 April, 2022

functions of an operating system

Functions of Operating System

The operating system manages the computer's resources such as the computer memory, central processing unit, hard disk, or other software. The operating system delivers an interface between the user and the hardware so that the user can access all the hardware resources of the computer.

The primary is categorized as follows -
  1. Resource Management
  2. Process Management
  3. Data Management
  4. Security Management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

1. Resource Management: Under Resource Management, the Operating System does Processor Management, Memory Management, and Device Management.

  • Processor Management

Processor for example Control Processing Unit When a program is run on your PC, it utilizes your System resources. In System resources, your PC's processor, RAM, and hard plate are utilized however It isn't that when you run a program, just your assets are utilized, on the off chance that you open your undertaking director without running any program, you will observe a lot of projects running there.

  • Memory Management:

Principle memory assumes a significant part in playing out any activity in a computer system. According to the design of the computer, memory is that part of the computer that stores data and process data input by the user, in memory. Data, information, and programs are present during the process and are functional immediately when needed. The CPU reads/writes data directly from the Principle memory.

  • Device Management:
The operating system also functions the duty of input and output management and coordinates the various input devices and output devices joined to your computer, as well as assigns tasks to them. 

2. Process Management: Under Process Management, the operating system does job scheduling and task management.

  • Job scheduling:

If you do many jobs one after the other on the computer or the software also operates in multiple steps, then your operating system fixes how the processor will be arranged, in which function it will be used first and when the job is finished. After that, he is then given another work. 

  • Task Management:
The operating system likewise sees which applications are running behind the scenes, which applications must be given needed, and which applications must be controlled, this group of works is done under the task of the board.

3. Data/File Management:

File Management What is signified by the same files that you make on your computer in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. It is a complete collection of information and it is made by the user, this file is kept in the secondary memory of the computer and all these files Have a name by which you can locate them in the computer, these files are saved in the directory in the secondary storage of the computer, this directory is in the ordinary language folder.

4. Security Management:

The operating system also sustains data security and integrity among all the programs of your computer, it saves all types of data and programs stored in the computer individually in such a way that they do not combine with each other. The system also has user security so that no one can ruin your data, in this way the operating system also controls the security of your computer.

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