06 May, 2022

How To Use SUM formula in MS Word


How To Use SUM Formula in MS Word?

SUM in the table in MS WORD, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN formula can also be used, let's know how to apply SUM formula in MS WORD also Super Tips.

  • Click on the cell in whichever table you like to apply the SUM formula.
  • Now press Ctrl + F9 from the keyboard
  • By doing this, {} Bracket will come in that cell-like this 
  • Now in the middle of these {} brackets you have to type the SUM formula, something like this 
  • If you like to SUM from top to bottom then you have to type =SUM(ABOVE) 
  • Thus if you like to SUM from top to bottom then type =SUM(BELOW)
  • And if you like to SUM the row given on the left then type =SUM(LEFT)
  • If you keep any changes in the table after doing SUM, then the formula is not updated automatically like in Excel. To update the formula, you need to right-click on the cell containing the SUM and choose the Update field or Ctrl + F9 from the keyboard. Have to press, even this gets the Formula Updated 
  • Like LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE, BELOW are used with SUM formula, MS WORD you can also use AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, SUM with LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE, BELOW.

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