18 June, 2022

How to Change Case and Round Figure in Excel


How to Change Case 

  • To change the case in Excel, type this formula in the cell in front of the cell in which you want to convert the text written in UPPERCASE - 
  • =upper(cell name)
  • Suppose you have typed study skills in cell A1 and you want to convert it to UPPERCASE then you have to type 
  • =upper(A1) 
  • Similarly, to convert text to lowercase in Excel, you have to type this formula
  • =lower(cell name)
  • =lower(A1)

How to Round Figures in Excel

  • Suppose you have a 30.75 figure in an A1 cell and you want to convert it to Round Figures then you have to type Formula for this
  • =Round(A1,0)
  • By doing this, the digits after the decimal, if it is less than 50, then this result will be 30 and if it is more than 50 then the result will be 31. 

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